Wednesday, December 7, 2011


On 06/12/2011, at 8:42 PM, "Darren Robinson - body4u" <> wrote:

OK due to a few requests and whilst it's all fresh, I'll close this Ironman blog out with my account of the day.

I must do the sucky stuff first cos it comes from the heart - Huge congrats to Ang who got through this ironman only 12 weeks after surgery was an inspirational effort and testimony to her will to compete.

That said - No mercy on the day - you take the field you're fit to play!

My mission as Ang almost got right was;
Priority 1- Beat Ang
Priority 2 - Make sure I crossed the finish line in under 17hrs
Priority 3 - Do the best time I could.

(OK truthfully I'm not sure which order they were in)

The siren goes for race start and Yes, a Happy Birthday kiss to Ang on the beach at sunrise, then into the ocean as quickly as possible before I got any feeling of guilts about maybe swimming with Ang to look after her in the water.
Conscience clear, I was away. Swim felt really good for me as I can almost call myself a swimmer once I put a wetsuit on and my legs stop dragging the bottom like anchors. Anal as I am, I counted my swim strokes for the 3.8km as I wanted to know where I was at throughout the swim. 3900 strokes in total (counted one by one Ha Ha) The first km was very disrupted with people swimming across me and me giving more than my fair share back to anyone in my way. The 2nd km out to the end of the jetty was very rough with rolling swell made it very difficult to keep a good line as you couldn't see over the swell most of the time. At 2000 strokes I rounded the jetty, had a quick think about how far back Ang might be, and headed for home. Last km I was feeling good so swum a bit harder and rounded up a few places before the swim exit. I was very happy with my 1hr 11mins when I got out onto the beach cheered on by mum, Bai and Hayes - I walked to theT1 bike transition as I didnt want to ping my dodgy right calf early in the race.

A very leisurely 9.24 transition to regroup (the swim must have taken a bit out of me cos I didn't want to get going any sooner) while the fantastic volunteers un-dressed, re-dressed, sunscreened and re packed my gear bag for me. A quick gel and a leak, (didn't like the idea of pissing in my knicks on the bike as I had my electrolyte drinks in my back bottle cages and the road out was into a stiff headwind).
Grabbed my bike and on my way to Cheers of 'go Darren' from mum (Bai and Hayes were waiting for Ang at the swim exit - I was hoping they'd be there for a while Ha).
The ride was tough, it was very hot and the wind hurt the legs. I did the 1st 60km loop at roughly my target race heart rate of 165 (set by our awesome bike coach Pete - Tecotraining). Onto my gotta beat the wife side of the brain (thats the left and right side) each time I hit a bike turnaround I would note the km on my garmin and count them till we met with Ang still heading towards the turnaround I'd just come from. 1st sighting, I was honestly very happy to see her on the bike because it meant she'd survived the swim and was in the race and still on track to be an ironman. Anyway, i was 4km heading back when we crossed - I was flying downwind at about 42km/h and she was fighting into the head wind - beauty! (meant I was 8km in front - approx 16min so OK but I needed a much bigger lead before the run)

The 1st 60km I had averaged 32.9km/hr but the 2nd 60km loop got harder as the wind and temp picked up and a bit of fatigue and discomfort started to creep in. I couldn't keep the HR as I felt the legs would get too tired with a long day still ahead (Mental note - have to train harder for next Melbourne IM in March). Rounded the turnaround with the 'Go Dad' from the kids and mum and I high fived them as I rode past. Ang and I crossed again, this time I was 6km in (12km lead = 24min - still not enough) I was actually a bit suprised Ang was going so well. (bloody bike coach's fault). We did another crossover during the 2nd loop and I was about 8km (32 min). The 105km mark notched up and a bit of relief from the wind heading back the 15km back into town.

Rounded the turnaround in town for the last time ' Hayes yelled how many left - and I got out 'last one' as I got a bit of adrenaline rush so pushed hard up to speed in front of the crowds (as you do). Slowed down pretty quickly once I got out of town and the wind bit again. This time it was 9.5km till I saw Ang heading back into town. She looked to be spinning really well and moving quickly and I thought 'shit!" so I knuckled down a bit to get a good rhythm happening and pushed a bit harder into the wind. I turned into one of the stretches that was 5km in and 5km out and my mission was to get back out of there before Ang turned in. Mission accomplished - I knew I was more than 20km in front = +40mins, I was on track to hold her off on the run. The last 60km was hard (the most Ang and I have ever ridden was 150km so the last 30km was breaking new ground for us.) My right quad cramped a bit so I had another salt tablet and my arse was sore as hell (Ive got rippled bruises all the way up the right cheek now - no chance of getting a wife massage - unreasonable I reckon). I finished the bike at 5.45 (ave 31.3km/hr) so was pretty happy with where I was at until I dismounted and tried to jog to the T2 change tent. I looked and felt like a spastic (no offence at all) as each step my legs buckled and I had to fight to stay up let alone jog to the tent. I grabbed my run bag and collapsed into a chair like I was sunbaking on a banana lounge. I couldn't move or talk and the two volunteers again saved the day. They emptied my bag got all sweaty changing my clothes, sunscreened me again and then I had to think about the dreaded nemesis of mine (and the bit where I am normally passed by my lovely wife with a bum tap and a kiss and a see you at the finish honey) - THE RUN

By the time I had my fuel belt on and about 11 gels in my back pocket (one for every 30mins), 10 salt tablets (min. one each hr), a few voltarin (as needed) , some anti chafing cream, my sleeves(in case I was still out there at night) I'm sure I was carrying about 5 extras kilos but it had to be done. I found my legs and jogged slowly out onto the 42.2km course. I had to keep running for the 1st couple of k's as the start of the run loop took you through town, past the finish line and in front of all the crowds of spectators cheering you on. (can't walk in front of crowds). I got through the 1st loop 10.5km in 1hr 20 and felt Ok and fairly confident of maintaining the rate.
Back into my left and right brain - I did a bit of math and was OK with the thought of 5hr 20min. I had thought Ang would be about 50min to 1hr behind me so she would have to run 4hr 20 to get me. (possible for her but would be very tough I thought). We crossed and I couldn't believe how much ground she'd made up - she was flying, I was walking. After a 'well done Angie!' I thought shit! again and started jogging straight away. I passed the kids and mum and heard 'has mum passed you yet' I said no but she will on the next lap. I stuck to my plan and got through the 2nd loop on my target 2hr 40min. Ang had been closing in fast so I had to dig deep and push on as much as I could. I was well into the 3rl loop and to my surprise Ang had not closed the gap as much as I had thought (poor thing with her legs and guts playing up - I thought Beauty, and jogged on. At this point I thought I was a big chance as I could see Ang was hurting and doing it tough. As I past the crowd after completing the 3rd loop I saw the finish line clock at 11hr 14min, my math told me I could get in under 13hrs so I was very determined to hold the rate to the finish if I could. I headed out again for the last 10.5km, there was a guy trying to run with two straight legs - very funny in a sick way - I gave him a couple of salt tablets, we wished each other good luck and on we went. By now I had some of my own issues as you do (bordering cramps in my both my quads and left hammie, right calf had pinged by now, something that felt like a stress fracture on the outside of my right foot, 3 black toenails as revealed later, an aching back, neck, and generally f%*#ked all over.) but hey this is an ironman and everyone would do it if it was easy. All things considered though, I was feeling good and starting to get pumped. As I headed towards the last turnaround 5km from home I took note of the landmarks so I could see how far behind me Ang was. I thought that if I could get back to at least 1km from the turnaround before Ang got there I had it in the bag. Well woohoo I saw her at just over 1km out, I was again wrapt that we were both going to finish, but I was also stoked that she couldn't get me from here. 2km infront with 4km to go, I could have walked it in! I think I could see it broke her at that point. I was OK cos it was no mercy - conscience clear (she'd done it to me many times). Anyway leaving nothing to chance I had to run the last 4km to the finish looking over my shoulder quite a few times just in case.

The finishing chute was a great sight and I high fived the crowd all the way to the line - Got the call - Darren Robinson - You are an IRONMAN crossed the finish line in 12hr 37 mins and squared the ledger (1 Ironman = 2 half Ironmans)

The sequel could be the decider? - Ironman Melbourne March 25th 2012!!!!!

Fantastic experience and worth every bit of the 12 months training to get here.


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