Saturday, February 14, 2009


Rain what rain?!
Have to admit in the middle of last night as I awoke to the sound of what could have been a hurricane and rain smashing down I thought (even if only for a very little moment) am I asking too much of Greg and Annette to head down to Springbrook and climb a bloody long and steep hill. Well the moment past and the answer was a definite NO.
So 5am out of bed still fairly dark and pissing down with rain into our walking gear, first aid kit, backpacks and walking poles (thanks Suzanne and Richard)and Darren and I head off to meet the guys at the gym. Annette was already waiting in her car and Greg arrived shortly after, I must admit I was wondering if he was going to need a wake up call, but no there he was still eating a bowl of oats.
Weigh ins were a little more subdued this week with Greg pretty much the same keep watching there will be more and Annette losing 1.2kg great work. A little reminder that this challenge is not a weight loss challenge it is a lifestyle challenge and weight loss is one part of the whole process. The effort these guys have put in again is fantastic, Greg is feeling a bit tired and hungry at times so a bit of adjusting his food intake after looking at his diary and hopefully we should be able to overcome those problems. Annette is feeling strong and full of energy and so her plan stays as is.
A quick stop at Banjos for a coffee and apple scroll (for Daz and me that is - sorry guys) and off we go. As we drive down the coast the rain appears to be getting worse and a few jokes are made about just going for a nice drive - not!
We arrive at Pollys country kitchen a lovely little spot and don our gear and we're off.
Darren and Greg head up in front and Annette and I follow behind. With motivation, willpower and determination we arrive at the top. A quick photo and then the process starts again going down, using muscles differently and slipping and sliding, Greg and Darren out in front again, Annette decides to liven things up with a few tumbles, so with a little more mud over her than before we laugh our way down. 2 hours in total great work.
The guys didn't seem too keen on going up again - maybe next time what do you think guys.....guys.......guys hello!!!
A well earned coffee and muesli brekkie and its time to drive home.
I am not sure but I think a great time was had by all as well as doing something a little bit different.
Once again good work G & A and thanks to Darren for his support.
Oh and by the way Happy Valentines Day. :-)


  1. Good work Angie. Nice way to spend Valentines day trudging up a mountain in the rain. Wouldn't prefer it any other way. Well done to Greg and Annette, we can go harder on them next time since they survived that so well.

  2. Great job it sounds like you all had fun. You will have to take them again and make it one of the harder climbs.

  3. Cool~Doing exercises and enjoying the rain, consider it as a part of life, it wiil be so nice~
