Sunday, March 8, 2009

A day at the beach.......

That time of the week again, 7am we all meet and start walking up Masthead Drive. Annette has a sore throat and is not feeling the best and I wasn't too sure if Greg was too keen today either, ah well too bad!

We arrive at the Raby Bay beaches where Darren and Richard have been setting up our little obstacle course for the guys. It's a shame that the tide is in and we don't have a lot of beach space to spread out on, so its up in the sand and lots of dead vegetation, all adds to it I guess.

First part of the circuit is the filling of a wheelie bin (we were nice it was a small one) with sea water using 2 buckets we give them, oh no Gregs bucket is all smashed at the bottom so the water is going to pour out as he runs up the beach to the wheelie bin, how did that happen bloody crazy clarks heehee! Once filled to our specified height its over to a 4 meter plank with 2 ropes attached so G & A can drag it down the sand and back, then run along the beach over some obstacle ropes and down to 2 tractor tyres (in other words big mothers) flipping these over end to end, no rolling to the awaiting sand bags, fill sand bags to a specified level, which originally was half full but after a quick check were too heavy, so being nice again we allow some leeway, with their trusty bags off they go over and under the obstacle ropes, they would both make good marines, out of the ropes still with bags and down to the tug-o-war with Darren and Rich on the other end, when the boys are dragged over the mark (just a little bit of help from myself for our lucky winners) and finally a run back up the beach to the waiting tyres once again which need to be flipped back to their original start position and a run back to the start line. Phew I'm tired just typing this. Well done guys 12min 27sec. Sweating, wet and sandy a quick drink break and we start again this time they must beat the previous time. Not much banter going on today!

Great stuff 11min 38sec. Daz pipes up that they still looked like they were going a tad too easy Rich and I agree so now the challenge is to finish it under 10minutes or keep going until they do.

With some great team work and Greg offering some assistance to Annette - what a gentleman - they cross the line in 9min 51sec. Close but we stick to our word and call it a day.

A stroll back to body4u for a well earned coffee - no fat of course.

Weigh ins were terrific today Annette had an excellent loss of 2.2kg and Greg had a surprising 1.5kg he wasn't expecting.

With only 3 weeks remaining the guys are both still giving us their best efforts and commitment just as we asked and they deserve all the accolades that they are receiving - top stuff both of you THANK YOU!

1 comment:

  1. That was a good morning session. I think G & A enjoyed the change of the type training session. Annette wondered if we could find bigger tyres and I said of course we could he he he. Good job.
